The choice is yours as to whether you pet docile, loot-containing bugs…blow them up…or both! There is a button specifically for yelling nonsensical and camaraderie-inducing voice lines. After failing a mission, you respawn in a hospital gown and can choose to embark upon the next mission in that getup instead of your usual colorful raiment. Management yells at you to stop kicking around (achievement-related) barrels while in the pre-game lobby. A fair amount of collectibles exist merely to be brewed into beer, most of which provide no function beyond being silly and entertaining. There is a…heart to this game, and its developers, that becomes immediately apparent once you’ve spent any amount of time in their universe. Deep Rock Galactic is a 1-4 player co-op FPS featuring badass space Dwarves, 100% destructible environments, procedurally-generated caves, and endless hordes of alien monsters.